Rural Areas Archive • Factum
Factum steht für zielgruppen- und anwenderInnen-orientierte Motiv- und Bedürfnisforschung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Mobilität und sozialer Innovation.
Öffentlicher Verkehr, Verhaltensänderung, Vigilanz, Radfahren, Gehen, Verkehrssicherheit, IKT, Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, Autonomes Fahren, Mobilitätsbedürfnisse, Barrierefreiheit, Assistenzsysteme, Lebensqualität, Raumqualität, Haltestelle, Kampagne, Kinder, Jugendliche, SeniorInnen, Demenz, Multimodales Mobilitätsverhalten, Qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden, Interviews, Fokusgruppen, Beobachtungen, Statistische Analysen, Literaturstudien
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Independent mobility for young people in rural regions Young people in rural regions often grow up ‘car-orientated’. Young people associate a private car with freedom and independence and see it as a necessity in order to be mobile. Offers for active mobility, sharing or demand-orientated transport...

MOSAIK: Mobility poverty in Austria - distribution, effects and mitigation measures Being mobile is an essential prerequisite for participating in social life. Rising energy prices have brought the issue of mobility to the fore and raised the question of the future affordability of (car) mobility. Mobility...

NAHMOBIL: Local Supply & Mobility. Innovative Local Supply Concepts in Rural Areas from a Gender Perspective...

The aim of the research project coop:mob was the development of a generation-spanning, sustainable mobility model for rural areas. This model is focused on elderly people and people in households without cars. One person with and one without a car are combined. They start a...