Ridepooling: Mitfahrmöglichkeit für klimafreundlichen Verkehr • Factum
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Ridepooling: Mitfahrmöglichkeit für klimafreundlichen Verkehr

Despite efforts on the part of governments and city administrations to get more people on public transport or to reduce car traffic in general, cars still occupy a prominent place in mobility, especially where public transport is poorly developed.

According to the Berlin mobility company door2door, ride pooling offers an alternative between car sharing and public transport and thus a solution for flexible but inefficient use of private cars, something in between the bus and one’s own car. Ridepooling uses algorithms to ensure that several people share the same vehicle for similar or the same journeys, instead of driving alone in a car. “The total vehicle kilometers at peak times can be reduced by over 50 percent in metropolitan areas. 52 percent of people would leave their private car at home for carpooling. When operating electric fleets, CO2 emissions can be reduced by almost 70 percent ”.

door2door: In order to make ridepooling attractive and suitable for the masses, it would need “greater integration into the public transport network and simple, clear and intelligent pricing”. “Ridepooling will individualize local public transport and is the only option how to drastically reduce traffic in cities.” Currently, there are no existing rules or regulations for carpooling in Germany or in other European countries. New services either fall under public transport, with fixed routes and timetables, or among taxi services, with more flexible routes, but heavily regulated and without the option to share trips. There is no efficient operation of ridepooling services.

There are already some ride-pooling startups in Austria: Triply – Public Transport Management Software; Caployee – ride-sharing app for commuters in a corporate context; Ummadum – carpooling with a point system