06 Oct Set of measures to promote sustainable family mobility
What do families with young children need to be able to be sustainably mobile in rural communities? This question was investigated by the Institute of Transportation at BOKU and the mobility research institute FACTUM in the research project “ANFANG – Sustainable Family Mobility”. Currently, the car is still the dominant means of transport in rural areas, even for short distances. For children, mobility is strongly linked to the car. For example, 75% of accompanying journeys with children under six years of age are made by car. Although the majority of these routes are shorter than 5 km. Under the current framework conditions, however, sustainable mobility behaviour is difficult to implement in many communities. In the Lower Austrian model communities of Spillern and Langenzersdorf, the research team analysed the road space, conducted interviews with young families and discussed concrete proposals with families and the mayors of the municipality. These analyses resulted in a collection of measures to promote sustainable mobility for families. There is also a report on the basic data on family mobility.