More cycles paths - more cyclists • Factum
Factum steht für zielgruppen- und anwenderInnen-orientierte Motiv- und Bedürfnisforschung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Mobilität und sozialer Innovation.
Öffentlicher Verkehr, Verhaltensänderung, Vigilanz, Radfahren, Gehen, Verkehrssicherheit, IKT, Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, Autonomes Fahren, Mobilitätsbedürfnisse, Barrierefreiheit, Assistenzsysteme, Lebensqualität, Raumqualität, Haltestelle, Kampagne, Kinder, Jugendliche, SeniorInnen, Demenz, Multimodales Mobilitätsverhalten, Qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden, Interviews, Fokusgruppen, Beobachtungen, Statistische Analysen, Literaturstudien
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More cycles paths – more cyclists

The corona crisis has shown it: More cycle lanes lead to more people getting on their bikes. The Berlin-based Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) conducted a study to investigate the effects of pop-up cycle lanes. The study authors analysed data from 736 bicycle counting stations in 106 European cities. The data analysis showed that the pop-up cycle lanes caused an increase in cycling mode share of between 11% and 48%. The researchers excluded those people who chose cycling as a means of transport only because of Corona. Increased bicycle use also has a positive effect on the climate. According to this study, the rule of thumb is: every kilometre cycled saves half a euro in health costs. The detailed study results can be found here.