Covid-19 & sustainable mobility • Factum
Factum steht für zielgruppen- und anwenderInnen-orientierte Motiv- und Bedürfnisforschung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Mobilität und sozialer Innovation.
Öffentlicher Verkehr, Verhaltensänderung, Vigilanz, Radfahren, Gehen, Verkehrssicherheit, IKT, Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, Autonomes Fahren, Mobilitätsbedürfnisse, Barrierefreiheit, Assistenzsysteme, Lebensqualität, Raumqualität, Haltestelle, Kampagne, Kinder, Jugendliche, SeniorInnen, Demenz, Multimodales Mobilitätsverhalten, Qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden, Interviews, Fokusgruppen, Beobachtungen, Statistische Analysen, Literaturstudien
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Covid-19 & sustainable mobility

How does COVID-19 affect the everyday mobility of people? This question is currently being investigated by the TU Vienna in an online survey. The mobility behaviour has changed, according to first results of the study. All in all, citizens travel fewer distances. Foot and bicycle traffic has increased slightly and the proportion of public transport journeys has fallen considerably. However, there is a strong increase in car traffic. For example, the number of car accidents has not fallen significantly despite the lower volume of traffic.  After the end of the corona crisis it will therefore be necessary to advertise the promotion of sustainable mobility more strongly in order not to offset the positive effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the climate crisis. A similar approach to the corona crisis is needed for the climate crisis: clear political guidelines, good communication and the cooperation of all parties.

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