By men for men? Urban planning and mobility needs of women • Factum
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By men for men? Urban planning and mobility needs of women

Cities and traffic are here for all of us. Nevertheless, the planning was predominantly in male hands – a female perspective was hardly ever present. Yet women sometimes have completely different requirements for transport and urban planning than men. A BBC feature highlights what can happen when women take planning entirely into their own hands. The reporters went to Barcelona, where a female mayor with a feminist agenda has been in office for four years. There, in recent years the urban planners of Punt 6 have analyzed what women expect from public space and have taken appropriate measures. The result consisted of wishes such as more and better public toilets, fairer playgrounds and more seating.

Also the demands of women towards mobility are sometimes completely different from those of men: women have a much more sustainable mobility behaviour. This means that they walk much more, use public transport more oftenand cover more distances with various stopovers. At the same time, these forms of mobility are more often associated with obstacles and barriers than driving a car, for example. In addition, many women feel insecure about walking certain distances alone or waiting alone at a train station. There is still room for improvement here, just as there is with current sharing offers. You can read more about this here.